.NET Foundation Membership Policy

Adopted November 7, 2022

  1. Membership Committee. The .NET Foundation Board of Directors will appoint a Membership Committee. The Membership Committee will include at least two directors of the Foundation, and may include non-directors. The Membership Committee will be responsible for reviewing and approving applications for membership.
  2. Individual Voting Members. Individual natural persons who have made substantial contributions to the .NET community are eligible to become members of the Foundation. To qualify for membership, an individual generally must have contributed to a non-trivial improvement to a .NET project. Contributions may be code, documentation, translations, maintenance of project-wide resources, or other non-trivial activities which benefit the .NET ecosystem.
  3. Decisions by Membership Committee The Membership Committee will evaluate membership applications and approve memberships. Upon approval, agreement to an applicable Membership Agreement, and payment of the membership fee (unless waived), the prospective member will be deemed a member of the Foundation.
  4. Membership fee. There is no membership fee.  Our operations are paid for by sponsorship and donations.  We invite members to make an annual donation of $100, or whatever they can afford, but it is not required.
  5. Right to vote for directors. Individual members will have the right to vote for directors of the Foundation, as further described in the Bylaws and the Foundation’s Director Election Policy.
  6. Right to run for election for a director position. Individual members will have the right to run for run for election for a director position, as further described in the Bylaws and the Foundation’s Director Election Policy.
  7. Membership renewals. Membership in the Foundation is on an annual basis. The Membership Committee may refuse to renew the membership of any individual if the Committee believes that the individual no longer meets the membership criteria or for any other reason, in the committee’s discretion.
  8. Non-voting members. For-profit and non-profit entities may apply for non-voting membership in the Foundation, and may be approved as members by the Board. Rights, privileges, and annual dues structure for non-voting members will determined by the membership committee and approved by the Board.