Become a Member


Anyone interested in or passionate about growing the .NET ecosystem or community can apply to become a member. Some examples of why you want to become a member or might benefit from joining the .NET Foundation can be viewed on this page.


How to join?

1. Submit a membership application through the  membership application form.

2. Upon approval, members will be notified with information on completing their membership. This information will be sent to you via the email you signed up for.

3. It may take 2 - 4 weeks for your membership request to be approved. The approval process is managed by the membership committee, which is a group of unpaid volunteers who meet regularly.

Membership Benefits

Each .NET Foundation member can vote for the Board of Directors in the election.

Any active member can campaign to be elected to the Board of Directors.

Any active member can become a part of any of the .NET Foundation Committees, helping to improve the .NET Foundation and how it can support members and projects.

You will be invited to the .NET Foundation Discord, where you can connect with other members and hear more from our sponsors.

There are member-exclusive channels on Discord that you will be given access to.