
Greg Levenhagen

Greg Levenhagen

Greg Levenhagen is a Principal Consultant with Skyline Technologies, a Microsoft Regional Director ( and a developer related Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Helping make people's lives better through technology and software. Having spent significant time in Linux, UNIX, Apple and Microsoft stacks, along with the big three cloud providers in Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) and Google (GCP), believes strongly in a best tool for the job/solution approach.

A true enthusiast of computer science, with passions and interests including AR/MR/VR, AI (several subcategories of Artificial Intelligence - neural networks, machine learning, and vision), data science, mobile, User Experience/User Interaction, architecture, distributed computing, 3D/games, cloud, security, devops/devsecops, automated testing, web, agile, languages and much more. Greg speaks at conferences like THAT Conference, CodeMash, VSLive, Code PaLOUsa and various Code Camps.

He has a great passion for giving back to the community and teaching. He volunteers through TEALS and to get computer science into schools, and sits on several non-profit and education boards. He is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), board member of THAT Conference, president of the Milwaukee Code Camp, president of the Northeast WI Code Camp, president of the Northeast WI Developers User Group (NEWDUG), co-organizer of the Fox Valley Game Development Meetup, co-organizer of the Northeast Wisconsin Cloud User Group (NEWCUG), organizer of MobileMKE, cofounder of the Northeast WI Agile User Group, INETA speaker and IEEE and ACM member.

Along with being a life-long geek, Greg enjoys golfing, football, woodworking, philosophy and stimulating conversation.

Appleton, United States

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