
Aneesh Gopalakrishnan

Aneesh Gopalakrishnan

"Aneesh is a blogging machine who has produced over 2842 posts that have gone viral on the web. His YouTube “talks” are so mesmerizing that even bugs and spiders can’t look away. He is a superstar on StackOverflow, where he is only surpassed by John Skeet in fame. Aneesh has authored 87 books, most of which are so brilliant that they have been outlawed in several countries; engineering students have given up on their studies after realizing they can never match his genius.In all seriousness, Aneesh is a good speaker for live audiences. He can also manage talking to cameras, but he likes to see people’s faces. If it matters, he is a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies, a BCS Fellow, and a former educator and mentor.Aneesh is borderline a .NET freak, enjoys mixing .NET with other tech cocktails, and talks a lot about it. (You have been warned!)"

New York, United States

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