
Goh Chun Lin

Goh Chun Lin

I am a software developer based in Singapore specialising in building cloud-first applications and APIs. Currently I am working in Samsung SDS Asia Pacific as their Senior Consultant.

I am currently also a certified Microsoft Azure Developer Associate as well as a certified Kubernetes Application Developer.

Topics that I covered so far as a speaker in .NET and Azure meetups/conferences are as follows.

  • Reality of the Clouds Moving Easibook System from OnPremise to Microsoft Azure
  • Azure Functions with NodeJS
  • ASP .NET Core 2
  • Logging: Doing It in ASP .NET Core and Microsoft Azure
  • Creating Docker Image from Scratch with CentOS
  • Kubernetes: on Google Cloud Platform
  • UI: Avalonia, VueJS, and Pusher
  • Identity Server and Logging: Learning and Implementation
  • Entity Framework Core 2.2 and Beyond: What's Cooking?
  • Revisit of Identity Server and Logging
  • Creating Docker image from ISO
  • Avalonia
  • OCR Use Cases in Logistics Industry with Microsoft Cognitive Services
  • 當 Golang 遇上 Azure
  • Azure and Us
  • Development and DevOps of Desktop Apps with .NET Core 3.0
  • Automated GUI Testing for UWP Apps using Appium and Azure DevOps
  • Personal OneDrive Music Player on Raspberry Pi with a Web-based Remote Control
  • Unit Test Stored Procedures and Azure SQL Database Changes with CI/CD Pipelines
Bahasa Melayu, Chinese / Mandarin, English

Is there anything here you would like updated? If so, please reach out to us at [email protected]