
Sergio Parra Guerra

Sergio Parra Guerra

Technical Computer Systems Engineer from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Solutions Cloud Architect at Encamina,

I have been a Microsoft MVP for 4 years in the category of Visual Studio and Development Technologies.

I hold various certifications from .NET Framework version 2.0 to the current versio. I have been using and developing with Microsoft products for over 15 years.

I love participating in projects that have to do with the cloud because for me it is not the future, it is the present of technology. I'm a fan of Apis, WCF services and everything that smells like backend

I contribute to the developers community writing articles, giving speeches in numerous events, helping to translate Microsoft MakeCode and micro:bit, participating and moderating several MSDN forums in Spanish and also collaborate with CompartiMOSS (, a Microsoft technologies specializing magazine.

Currently I'm one of the CrossDvlup community group organizers (

Leganés, Spain

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