Statement regarding Moq

August 10, 2023 by .NET Foundation Board

The .NET Foundation has been asked to make a statement regarding the project Moq. We want to acknowledge that Moq is not a .NET Foundation project, and as OSS developers, they have the right to develop the project in any direction they see fit. We also want to acknowledge that developing OSS software as a maintainer can be tough and often thankless. 

We feel that sponsorship through funding of OSS projects is vital for a healthy ecosystem and encourage those who can contribute to projects out there, to do so. 

For projects considering the collection of private information, we strongly recommend seeking counsel from legal experts versed in international privacy laws. The intricate nature of privacy regulations, including GDPR and related legal hurdles, necessitates careful consideration.

The .NET Foundation is volunteer-run. As such, we welcome collaboration and encourage others to get involved. 

The project committee actively meets to discuss these types of issues. We encourage anyone interested in discussing open-source maintainability to join the project committee at The group meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 5:00 PM ET (21:00 UTC) via Microsoft Teams. For more information, please reach out to [email protected]