Candidates For The Board

Find out more about the Board Candidates

Before making your vote on OpaVote, you can find out more about the candidates for this years .NET Foundations Board of Director Elections on this page.

There are a lot of fantastic candidates from you to chose from. Read their profiles, watch their candacy videos and learn more about them.

Kendall Miller

The mission of the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025 is to help bring back a sense of community in the post covid/social media times. Define how you would help drive that initiative.

It's an exciting time of renewal and opportunity for the extended .NET Community - we can reshape and reform the ecosystem that supports the community. I'm excited about: 

  • Rebuilding local community groups with the help of web conferencing to bring a wider array of speaker talent to each community than could afford to travel in person.
  • Work with local community groups to identify patterns of success for hybrid (in person and remote experiences) that reinforce local community without putting them in competition with other regional or national groups. 
  • Working with the open source community to identify opportunities and solutions to improve the sustainability of the overall ecosystem. We need paths to respect project creator's goals for publishing source even if they aren't completely aligned with our preferred open source models to ensure an inclusive and robust environment for .NET to thrive.

Describe any previous involvement with the .NET Foundation or similar organizations, if any.

I have participated in standards committees, notably the OASIS ECF committee that required very public, deliberative decision making to balance the needs of commercial competitors, government institutions, and stakeholders of a wide range of sizes and abilities. I've seen how this process, while not fast, can result in thoughtful outcomes that strike a consistent balance between competing priorities.

I'm the founder of a developer tools company for the .NET ecosystem with multiple products that required us to support a wide range of customers and deep compatibility over time. It's taught me a great deal for how to address competing, strongly held, opinions and build trust and value for a wide range of developers world-wide. While a commercial company, we also open source a significant portion of our codebase with very permissive licenses.

How would you balance the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET Community?

To ensure a long-running, vibrant .NET ecosystem I would start with a fundamental truth that we all need each other. .NET needs the continued support of corporations to create demand for .NET solutions. It needs support from the publishing community to provide a range of solutions to maximize where .NET can be used. It needs the support of restless individuals that are never satisfied and lead the way with new thinking and ideas to push the whole community forward.

I see the Foundation's role as helping all the stakeholders see each other's perspectives and facilitate the ecosystem based on what we have in common, not what divides us. What each stakeholder needs will be unique - depending on their size and goals - and I would strive to find ways we can facilitate them within the goal of not promoting a specific solution, pattern, or vendor but rather providing access and opportunity to expand the community.

How would you approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board?

The .NET Foundation and Board are only useful to their mission when they are trusted by the community. Building and maintaining that trust is our first mission. When participating in teams like the .NET Foundation Board, I've found success by focusing on: 

  • Having a deliberative process that ensures each item is discussed from a diverse set of viewpoints and all members are heard before an attempt is made to come to a group decision. In my experience, some of the most thoughtful perspectives come from folks who speak last, not first.
  • When there isn't a clear consensus decision, it's better to provide space and time than to push for unification. Often, objections in the moment come from an instinctive concern we can't yet articulate clearly. Given time, the specific concern comes into focus which then means it can be addressed.
  • Be wary of compromises that are neither of two competing options. Often, these are unsustainable in practice and will appear confusing to the greater community that didn't participate directly in the process.
  • Communication of the decision, how it was arrived at, and how it will be rolled out should be proportional to the impact of the decision on the members of the community. Even if it affects only a small part of the community, if they could be significantly affected then the communication plan should be scaled up.

How do you plan to offer support, help, and mentorship within the the .NET Community with it's sponsors, members, and projects?

As an individual with decades of experience in the .NET Community I have prioritized helping the community in group settings (such as speaking at user groups, conferences, etc.) and individual mentoring which I'm quick to offer to all that ask. But, as part of the .NET Foundation Board I would focus on building connections across the community that are already providing a range of help and mentoring. We have a large group of people and organizations offering content and services from free on up and I see our role being as facilitators and to identify and communicate gaps the community could step in and address.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the .NET community regarding your candidacy?

I'm excited by the potential to contribute to the community that has been a cornerstone of my professional career. I've used .NET to build small apps that just need to solve a tiny problem up to large distributed systems that have run for years. I'm cautious about change - focusing on solutions for the long term while ensuring we can innovate on the edge so we're ready to adapt to what's next.

As a member of the Board, my focus would be on inclusion - of people, ideas, and approaches. I believe this creates the most robust ecosystem we can all benefit from.

Michael Jolley

The mission of the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025 is to help bring back a sense of community in the post covid/social media times. Define how you would help drive that initiative.

An unexpected benefit of our experiences with moving events, meetups, etc. online during Covid is the fact that it opened doors for those who did not have a local .NET community to join in the overall conversation. While there’s nothing like that in-person experience of meeting and sharing ideas, there are many .NET developers around the world without access to that experience.

I would focus my efforts on making materials that we can provide new and existing user groups to make planning, scheduling, and hosting those events as pain-free as possible. With those in-person groups growing, I would develop materials & training to facilitate those groups taking their meetings virtual, expanding their reach beyond their local area and providing community across regional borders.

Describe any previous involvement with the .NET Foundation or similar organizations, if any.

My background includes 20+ years in software development, most of those in the .NET ecosystem, building applications for clients ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, including Coca-Cola and Nucor Steel.

For the past 5 years, I’ve been focused on my personal mission statement to “build better builders.” That means creating content via blog posts, YouTube videos, and Twitch streams to help developers write better code, advance in their careers, and connect with a larger developer community for support.

How would you balance the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET Community?


It’s important to recognize that all these stakeholders are symbiotic. Though they often have different goals and desires, in the end, the need of one may often be the need of many. Without strong individual developers, businesses can’t find the talent they need. Without corporate contributors, many library maintainers can’t afford to support their projects. Both corporate contributors and individual developers rely on many OSS libraries in their projects.

This means that when dealing with any one stakeholder or making any one decision, we have to ensure that “the rising tide must raise all boats.”

How would you approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board?

This question ties directly into the question of balancing stakeholder interests. Decisions must be made with all stakeholders in mind, whether they are involved in the discussion or not. In the end, all decisions and consensus must be based on data. Without qualitative and quantitative data, any decision made is a guess as best. I would strive to ensure we’re making decisions based on that data rather than stakeholder, or board member, preference and would advocate taking the time to gather data & feedback to make informed decisions rather than rushed judgements.

    How do you plan to offer support, help, and mentorship within the the .NET Community with it's sponsors, members, and projects?

    There are three main areas where I’d like to focus my efforts: awareness, activation, and retention. Many .NET developers are unaware of the .NET Foundation. So, making them aware of not only the foundation’s existence, but the opportunities that exist for community (e.g. local meetups & user groups, the .NET Foundation Discord, etc.) will be a priority.

    Secondly, providing a “happy path” for them to not only become members of the foundation, but to find their place in making our overall organization & community better.

    And finally, making sure our members feel like their voice is heard and they are making an impact whether they are contributing to a .NET Foundation project, serving on a committee, serving in a local user group, or supporting other community members in Discord.

    Is there anything else you would like to share with the .NET community regarding your candidacy?

    If there’s anything we’ve learned from the past several years, it’s the importance of community. So, I want to thank everyone in the .NET Foundation community for your participation, continued support of the foundation’s work, and for considering me for board candidacy. It is truly an honor and privilege to be a part of this community and I look forward to serving in you and the community at large, whether on the board or not.

    Louëlla Creemers

    The mission of the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025 is to help bring back a sense of community in the post covid/social media times. Define how you would help drive that initiative.

    Bringing back a sense of community, especially online, means hard work and consistency on social platforms. I know how to build a healthy and active community. To help with this mission I would focus on online opportunities for .NET developers to connect. Here are my ideas:

    Most of what gets shared on the .NET foundation social pages are announcements about .NET and interesting videos or blogs. This should absolutely be on there, but it doesn't help with community building. The .NET foundation should be more proactive in creating conversations about open source and what the members are working on. The DNF accounts should actively post interactive posts, membership spotlights, Q&As and Interviews to share with members.

    Interactive Posts: Regularly posting questions, polls, and discussion topics to engage the community. These posts can spark conversations and allow community members to share their thoughts and experiences.

    Member Spotlights: Featuring members' achievements and contributions to showcase the diverse talent within the community. This can include interviews, project highlights, and personal stories to inspire others.

    Live Q&A Sessions: Hosting live sessions with .NET experts where community members can ask questions and interact in real time. This will provide direct access to experts and help with a sense of connection.

    Interviews with .NET Experts and Project Maintainers: Get to know the people behind the framework and the projects you can contribute to. This will bring a personal touch and help members feel more connected to the community. Interviews can be shared through blogs, videos, or live streams.

    More Clear Communication about What the .NET Foundation Does (and Doesn't) Do: As someone relatively new to the .NET world, I found it challenging to understand the benefits of membership due to a lack of information. The “Who We Are” page on the foundation website consists of just six bullet points, which might not be clear for other newcomers, whether they are potential members or project owners. The .NET Foundation should be more open about what you get as a member or as a project owner. More importantly, the .NET Foundation should be very explicit about what they cannot or will not do. This transparency will create more trust, helping the community to grow.

    Mentorship Programs: If the .NET foundation succeeds in growing a more active community online, then it would be great to start a mentorship program to connect experienced .NET developers with newcomers. Mentors can help new members with their first open-source contributions, career advice, and technical support.

    Collaborating with other open-source communities: The .NET Foundation is not the only open-source community out there. But a lot of people who start in open source have not heard of or worked with .NET before. We should work together with these other open-source communities to promote .NET Foundation projects these people can contribute to.

    Describe any previous involvement with the .NET Foundation or similar organizations, if any.

    Although I haven't been directly involved with the .NET Foundation, I can bring a lot of experience in building and nurturing developer communities. Over the past three years, I've independently grown a community of 35 thousand developers. Through this platform, I've helped many (aspiring) developers in getting started with their coding and open-source journeys. I've participated in open-source-focused hackathons and served as a moderator in various communities, such as 4C. Additionally, I've directed individuals to other thriving open-source communities like EddieHub and The C# Academy, where they've discovered the value of open source.

    Regarding leadership and board experience, my community-building efforts have helped me learn important skills. Creating and maintaining an engaged community required strategic planning and effective communication. I've created an inclusive environment where developers from diverse backgrounds can interact and learn from each other. As an international public speaker, I've advocated for open-source development and shared insights on community building. I've also provided mentorship to aspiring developers, guiding them through their first contribution.

    How would you balance the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET Community?


    To balance all of this, the .NET foundations need to hear from everyone involved more often. We can start conversations on social media, like Twitter and Facebook, where members can share their thoughts openly. Also, hosting online calls on the Discord server lets members talk in real time.

    Being clear about how decisions are made and what's going on is also key. By explaining things about what has been talked about in board meetings and who's responsible for what, the .NET Foundation builds trust among members. By listening to everyone and focusing on inclusivity, transparency, and collaboration, we can make the community a better place where everyone's needs are respected.

    How would you approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board?

    I might not have been part of a board of directors before, but I have been part of event planning meetings at multiple universities in the Netherlands. Higher education institutions have a lot of processes and restrictions. I know how frustrating and slow some decision-making can be if you must keep multiple stakeholders and processes in mind. Nonetheless, I always like to help because I understand the importance of making informed decisions that benefit a community.

    As someone relatively new to the field, I believe I can offer a fresh outlook, innovative ideas, and new knowledge. The fact that I am one of the youngest Microsoft MVPs reflects that I want to help the community by using my voice and the opinions I believe in.

    I'm known for being honest and speaking my mind, which I think is important for open communication. I believe everyone should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts in discussions. By listening to everyone and respecting each other's ideas, we can make decisions that benefit the .NET foundation.

      How do you plan to offer support, help, and mentorship within the the .NET Community with it's sponsors, members, and projects?

      Supporting .NET developers and helping them improve is something I strive to do every single day. In my role within the .NET Foundation, I plan to extend this support by actively engaging with sponsors, members, and projects. I am particularly enthusiastic about making the exclusive member Discord server even more active and impactful. I believe in transforming it into a social hub where developers can connect, share insights, and seek assistance that is active with lots of people who enjoy being there. This can benefit sponsors and projects by generating more traction as the Discord server grows.

      To achieve this, I will dedicate time and effort to increasing my visibility on the server and encouraging interest among members to participate in discussions. By initiating engaging conversations and creating a spot where .NET developers can have valuable interactions, we can create an active, fun, and thriving community within the Discord server.

      Is there anything else you would like to share with the .NET community regarding your candidacy?

      I love dad jokes and I will spark joy with the worst nerdy dad jokes if I become a board member. Thank you!

      Rafael dos Santos

      The mission of the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025 is to help bring back a sense of community in the post covid/social media times. Define how you would help drive that initiative.

      To help drive the .NET Foundation's mission of bringing back a sense of community in 2024-2025, I would focus on revitalizing in-person events around the community. The shift to online-only events during and after COVID-19 has been beneficial in terms of accessibility, but it has also led to a loss of the personal connections and organic networking that are hallmarks of in-person gatherings.

      Describe any previous involvement with the .NET Foundation or similar organizations, if any.

      I'm MVP Alumini (Azure, with Apps on Azure focus) and Organized many events in Brazil, also I run Global Azure Bootcamp every year

      How would you balance the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET Community?


      To balance the interests of the .NET Community, it's crucial to embrace and support open source contributions from individual developers. I think we should look to establish Transparent Communication, Promote Collaboration and Celebrate Contributions.

      How would you approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board?

      To approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board, I would try to Create an environment for all members to voice opinions and gather community feedback. Document and share decisions while holding members accountable and Continuously improve the process based on feedback and changing needs.

        How do you plan to offer support, help, and mentorship within the the .NET Community with it's sponsors, members, and projects?

        I have extensive experience running events and speaking, which I will leverage to support and mentor those in the .NET Community who are hesitant to share content or speak publicly. My plan includes Provide personalized mentorship to guide first-time posters and speakers. Set up safe, low-pressure environments for members to practice presentations and receive constructive feedback. Collaborate with sponsors to provide resources and opportunities for emerging speakers and content creators.

        Is there anything else you would like to share with the .NET community regarding your candidacy?

        During COVID, my life changed significantly with personal losses and the birth of my first son. These experiences led me to lose interest in online content and community engagement. However, with this year's focus on rebuilding community and in-person networking, I am eager to contribute more. I look forward to bringing back the personal connections and vibrant interactions we lost during the pandemic.

        Peter De Tender

        The mission of the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025 is to help bring back a sense of community in the post covid/social media times. Define how you would help drive that initiative.

        Wild idea, a .NET Foundation 1 day conference, virtual 'around the clock / following the sun' with multiple tracks/technical domains, using .NET Foundation members as presenters. The board could act as moderators and introducing each session/speaker.

        Less wild idea, based on my own expectations of .NET Foundation and what I rely on as a community, is finding peers, being able to communicate and collaborate more efficiently with them. This could be done through virtual watercooler moments, chat rooms,...

        Describe any previous involvement with the .NET Foundation or similar organizations, if any.

        My first (technical) community involvement was way back in 2010, when I became a Microsoft Certified Trainer, and struggling in finding the correct information to prepare for my classes. Not being able to get information about other MCTs in my area, and started looking more global and discovering an MCT community group in Sweden. I volunteered to help them expanding their reach, and eventually became the global lead for several years, reaching +5000 MCTs across the world. This got me on the radar for the MVP Program in 2013, until I joined Microsoft in 2019. Out of my role as technical trainer, I am still acting as a community lead, being available to my daily/weekly learners in a Teams channel for collaboration.

        How would you balance the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET Community?


        Since a community is only as strong as its members, I would try and give priority to individual developers. Since those are typically the once who need the most support from the community. As a 2nd level, I would embrace those corporate contributors who would benefit most from the foundation, being startups, or new-to-.NET language. In the 3rd group, I see larger corporations contributing as well. For any of the 3 groups, I would try and influence the 'you get out what you put into it', spending more time and effort with the ones who contribute more, than the ones who only 'lurk'.

        How would you approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board?

        Not knowing too much how it worked up till now, I assume each board member has "1 equal vote", and there needs to be a majority for any decisions made. No decisions should be made without any consensus.

        How do you plan to offer support, help, and mentorship within the the .NET Community with it's sponsors, members, and projects?

        I will watch over the GitHub repo for any projects in scope, and try to help where possible. To expand the community reach, I'm happy to support with blog articles, Youtube or other online sessions, doing monthly meetups,...

        Being in the Seattle area, I could also look into in-person meetups at Reactor or Microsoft campus, by inviting community members to events.

        Is there anything else you would like to share with the .NET community regarding your candidacy?

        Since I started my career in IT 27 years ago, I learned most from 'peers', and always supported that feeling by giving back. When I picked up .NET development, I had to start from scratch, and made great progress by finding .NET Foundation members, willing to help. It would be an honor to be selected as a candidate, allowing me to expand my network, learn from board members, the broader .NET communities across the globe and being a mentor and example to other, sometimes less-represented groups and audiences.

        Maourice Gonzalez

        The mission of the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025 is to help bring back a sense of community in the post covid/social media times. Define how you would help drive that initiative.

        I'd engage with .NET community members and groups to promote networking and collaboration, virtual and physical. I'd help garner support for open-source projects within the .NET ecosystem by engaging with industry partners for the purpose of providing mentorship, support and infrastructure. This would ultimately help us thrive, create more opportunities and lead to a more inclusive and diverse community.

        Describe any previous involvement with the .NET Foundation or similar organizations, if any.

        As a very experienced leader, I’ve overseen large teams of engineers, ensuring the successful development and maintenance of mission-critical systems. My responsibilities have extended to managing substantial revenue streams, demonstrating my ability to drive financial outcomes. Additionally, I’ve spearheaded tech and product initiatives, showcasing my strategic vision and capacity to lead transformative projects. These experiences have honed my leadership skills, equipping me to contribute effectively to any board or organizational context.

        How would you balance the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET Community?

        I'd foster an inclusive environment where all voices are heard. Put more emphasis on ensuring a transparent decision-making process. Provide resources and mentorship for individual developers. Promote community events like hackathons and workshops where individuals and corporations can come together.

        How would you approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board?

        Transparency. I approach decision-making and consensus-building by fostering open communication and embracing diverse viewpoints. Every voice should be heard and help guide our discussions. Collaboratively we can address complex issues while not brushing aside individual concerns. Our collective decisions shape the foundation's future and wellbeing.

          How do you plan to offer support, help, and mentorship within the the .NET Community with it's sponsors, members, and projects?

          My experience building complex payment and banking systems at scale in extremely regulated and mission critical environments has given me great insights into the dos and don'ts of building cost effective, scalable, performant, secure and resilient system. I will to the best of my abilities provide mentorship to members, sponsors and contribute to projects with the aim of making a positive impact across the board.

          Is there anything else you would like to share with the .NET community regarding your candidacy?

          The dotnet community has given me so much throughout the years. Its projects and people have given thousands of engineers and tech enthusiasts like me an immense amount of support which has helped launch extremely successful business, projects and careers. I want to be able to extend the reach of that impact and continue to grow our community. I want countless more to experience the excitement and fulfilment I felt as I embarked on my journey of writing code as a kid.

          Chris "Woody" Woodruff

          The mission of the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025 is to help bring back a sense of community in the post covid/social media times. Define how you would help drive that initiative.

          I’m excited to share my vision for how we can bring back a sense of community within the .NET Foundation. With both online and in-person engagement, we can create a collaborative, inclusive, and dynamic environment where all of us can thrive and contribute to the collective growth and innovation within the .NET ecosystem.

          Here’s my plan:

          First off, let’s get back to in-person events. Organizing Local Meetups is key. We’ll team up with local user groups to host regular gatherings, providing them with the funding, resources, and speakers they need to make these meetups engaging and high-quality. This will help us all connect on a deeper level.

          Community-driven conferences like .NET Conf are also super important. We’ll encourage and support local versions of these conferences across different regions. This way, developers can gather, share knowledge and network without traveling far.

          We’ll organize Community Projects and Hackathons to get even more people involved. These events will give us the chance to collaborate on open-source projects, share ideas, and create innovative solutions together. Plus, we’ll develop a Resource Library – a central hub of tutorials, best practices, and project templates contributed by the community, supporting continuous learning and project development.

          Collaboration with other tech communities is crucial, too. We’ll kick off Cross-Community Initiatives with groups like the JavaScript and Python communities. We can cross-pollinate ideas and best practices by hosting joint events and projects, enriching our own .NET community with diverse perspectives.

          We’ll also encourage and support Interoperability Projects to enhance compatibility between .NET and other platforms. By promoting projects that bridge gaps between different technologies, we can make the .NET ecosystem more versatile and appealing to a broader range of developers.

          Finally, we’ll establish a Community Advisory Board to ensure diverse representation and continuous input into the Foundation’s activities. This board will consist of members from various backgrounds and regions, providing a broad perspective on the community’s needs and helping to guide our efforts in fostering a more inclusive, engaged, and thriving .NET community.

          Together, we can create a stronger, more connected .NET community. Thank you for being part of this journey!

          Describe any previous involvement with the .NET Foundation or similar organizations, if any.

          With nearly 30 years of experience in the tech industry and almost two decades dedicated to the .NET community, my journey has been both extensive and diverse. My career has encompassed a variety of roles, including software developer, architect, trainer, content creator, developer relations, technical sales, and leadership. This breadth of experience highlights my adaptability and versatility, allowing me to navigate and thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

          Throughout my career, I have been privileged to speak at numerous conferences and events, covering a wide range of technologies, with .NET being the most common topic. Sharing my knowledge and insights with the community has been a rewarding aspect of my journey, helping to educate and inspire fellow developers. Additionally, since 2008, I have been podcasting to communicate news and ideas within the tech industry, further extending my reach and impact.

          My involvement in the tech community extends beyond individual contributions. I have held leadership positions in prominent organizations such as INETA and PASS. Serving on the PASS board, I represented developers' interests and worked to ensure our voices were heard. These leadership roles have provided me with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the community, and they have fueled my passion for fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment for all developers.

          As I continue to engage with the .NET community, my commitment to supporting and uplifting developers remains unwavering. With my extensive experience, diverse skill set, and dedication to the community, I am eager to contribute to the growth and success of the .NET Foundation, ensuring it remains a cornerstone of innovation and collaboration in the tech industry.

          How would you balance the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET Community?


          Balancing the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET community requires understanding each group's unique needs and contributions. For individual developers, the focus will be on learning opportunities, community support, and encouraging open-source contributions. Corporate contributors will benefit from initiatives emphasizing innovation, return on investment, and access to talent and resources. Educational institutions and non-profits will see prioritized educational content, collaboration opportunities, and community impact initiatives.

          Our commitment to inclusivity and diversity is reflected in our tailored programs. For developers, we will provide training, certifications, and mentorship opportunities, and recognize and support their open-source projects. Corporate contributors can benefit from partnership programs that offer visibility and collaboration opportunities, and from innovation hubs that showcase advancements. Educational partnerships will focus on developing industry-aligned curricula, and non-profits will be supported through grants and volunteer opportunities.

          Our commitment to transparent communication is unwavering. We will provide regular updates on initiatives, progress, and decision-making processes to keep everyone informed. Robust feedback mechanisms and open forums will be in place to gather input from all stakeholders, ensuring that their voices are not only heard but also considered in our decision-making processes.

          Fostering collaboration across the community involves joint ventures that bring together multiple stakeholder groups. Networking opportunities through events, online platforms, and special interest groups will facilitate knowledge sharing and cooperation.

          Recognizing contributions from all groups will help foster a sense of community. Implementing award programs and showcasing success stories in newsletters, blogs, and events will highlight the impact and contributions of various stakeholders. A sustainable funding model, with diversified contributions from individuals, corporate sponsors, and grants, will ensure equitable resource allocation and support for all initiatives, creating a vibrant, inclusive, and collaborative .NET community.

          How would you approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board?

          To restore a sense of community in the post-COVID/social media era, decision-making and consensus-building within the .NET Foundation board will focus on inclusivity, transparency, and collaboration. First, it's crucial to ensure diverse representation on the board, including individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders. This diversity will provide a broad range of perspectives, helping to make well-rounded decisions that benefit the entire community.

          Open dialogue and respectful communication are essential. Encouraging all board members to voice their opinions and concerns in an inclusive environment will foster healthy discussions. Facilitated discussions and brainstorming sessions will help generate a wide range of ideas, ensuring that every board member's voice is heard and considered. Using pros and cons analysis techniques as an example will enable the board to evaluate each option systematically.

          Transparency in the decision-making process will build trust and accountability. Regular updates on board activities, decisions, and rationales should be communicated to the broader community. This can be achieved through detailed meeting minutes, public announcements, and open forums where community members can ask questions and provide feedback. Regular surveys and feedback loops will ensure that decisions align with the community's needs and expectations.

          Striving for consensus whenever possible will strengthen the board's unity and the community's trust in its leadership. While majority voting might be necessary for straightforward decisions, seeking consensus for more complex or impactful decisions will ensure broad support. In significant disagreements, neutral third-party mediation can help resolve conflicts and find common ground.

          The .NET Foundation board can effectively navigate the challenges of bringing back a sense of community by focusing on inclusivity, transparent communication, and collaborative decision-making. This approach will foster a supportive, engaged, and dynamic environment where all members feel valued and can contribute to the collective growth and innovation of the .NET ecosystem.

            How do you plan to offer support, help, and mentorship within the the .NET Community with it's sponsors, members, and projects?

            To revitalize the sense of community within the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025, my strategic plan places a strong emphasis on providing targeted support, assistance, and mentorship to sponsors, members, and projects. For individual developers, I will establish robust mentorship programs that connect seasoned developers with newcomers. These programs will not only provide guidance and support for personal growth, but also foster a sense of belonging and contribution to the community.

            For sponsors, I plan to develop tailored engagement programs that highlight the benefits of sponsorship, such as increased brand visibility and access to a talented pool of developers. Regular updates and reports on community activities and project progress will keep sponsors engaged. Additionally, I'll organize exclusive events and webinars where sponsors can interact with community leaders, discuss industry trends, and explore new collaboration opportunities.

            Community projects are the cornerstone of our mission. I will provide robust support to these projects by organizing hackathons and collaborative events that foster teamwork on open-source initiatives. Offering resources, such as funding, technical support, and recognition, will be instrumental in ensuring the success and significant impact of these projects.

            Finally, fostering an inclusive and diverse community is essential. I'll ensure all tech events and platforms are welcoming and accessible to underrepresented groups. Launching initiatives like event scholarships, targeted outreach, and diversity-focused mentoring programs will increase participation from diverse groups. By creating an environment where everyone feels valued and supported, we can build a stronger, more connected .NET community.

            Is there anything else you would like to share with the .NET community regarding your candidacy?

            The future of the .NET Foundation hinges on making swift changes and securing diverse funding sources. These critical steps are necessary for the organization to face a stark reality: it may struggle to grow, or even survive. The next couple of years will be pivotal in determining whether the .NET Foundation thrives or fades away.

            In the fast-evolving tech landscape, the .NET Foundation must adapt to remain relevant and effective. But we can't do it alone. We need the tech community to be our partners in this journey. This means not only addressing the immediate needs of the community but also anticipating future challenges and opportunities. Swift changes are essential to modernize our approaches, enhance community engagement, and ensure we stay ahead of the curve. Stagnation is not an option; we need to be proactive and innovative to keep the .NET ecosystem vibrant and dynamic, and we need you to be a part of it.

            Diverse funding is equally crucial. Relying on a narrow range of funding sources puts the Foundation at risk of financial instability. By broadening our funding base to include individual donations, corporate sponsorships, grants, and other revenue streams, we can secure the financial stability necessary to support our initiatives. Diverse funding ensures we can continue providing valuable resources, organizing impactful events, and fostering a supportive community environment.

            The consequences could be dire if we fail to secure this diverse funding. The Foundation might be forced to scale back its activities, reduce support for community projects, and limit educational and mentorship programs. This would hamper our growth and lead to a gradual decline in community engagement and support. The .NET Foundation's ability to innovate and lead within the tech community is fading and could continue to be severely compromised.

            The next couple of years are critical. We stand at a crossroads where our actions will determine the future trajectory of the .NET Foundation. Rest assured, we should stay within our commitment to our mission and the community. By embracing change and diversifying our funding, we can ensure that the Foundation not only survives but also flourishes. This will allow us to continue supporting developers, fostering innovation, and maintaining a vibrant, inclusive community. The choices we make now will either pave the way for a bright future or lead to the dissolution of an organization that has been instrumental in shaping the .NET ecosystem. We are choosing the former, and we hope you will choose to stand with us.

            Alec Harrison

            The mission of the .NET Foundation in 2024-2025 is to help bring back a sense of community in the post covid/social media times. Define how you would help drive that initiative.

            My biggest initiative has been continuing to build and run local user groups. Today I run 3 user groups and I am working to on board more groups. I currently help or run the Iowa, KC, and Omaha Azure user groups with the plan to on board more. The goal is to help give anyone the tools to run a user group and decrease the barrier of entry for them to build their own communities.

            2024-2025 we are working to build a more federated system to grow our network and allow others to join in by connecting them with funding, speakers, and more!

            Describe any previous involvement with the .NET Foundation or similar organizations, if any.

            I currently run my own nonprofit which is the Iowa Microsoft Azure User Group. I run it with a few people but I was the one to form the 501c3 nonprofit and still lead the group today. I also run Azure Cloud Workshops with Brain Gorman an open source project space to make learning material open and free!

            How would you balance the interests of individual developers, corporate contributors, and other stakeholders within the .NET Community?

            I think balance is key and making sure all voices (no matter how big or small) are heard and then we can evaluate the feedback based on impact to the community as a whole. We can also take into account if any voices are saying similar things. That way we are representing as many members as possible.

            How would you approach decision-making and consensus-building within the board?

            I believe in strong beliefs held loosely. I feel letting where I stand be known is a good place to start and walking through my thought process. I also want to admit I could very well be wrong and be swayed. I think being as transparent on that front really helps. Sometimes people take forever to make a decision because they don't want to hurt someone else's feelings to just find out the other party didn't really care either way. I don't want to do that. I want to act and form a consensus where possible. Most cases people are reasonable and that's fine. If it's not a pressing issue or if we can continue down both paths I recommend that too and we can reconvene to see how each works in a sort of blameless post mortem.

              How do you plan to offer support, help, and mentorship within the the .NET Community with it's sponsors, members, and projects?

              My goal is to meet everyone where they are at and make myself available for any questions or concerns. If that's giving away some of my knowledge with running groups or experience teaching others new tech happy to give it. I also like it when people hold me accountable so if others also like that I would like to offer the same and have other's do the same for me. So if we are able to commit to doing things, I just want to make sure myself and others keep the ball rolling and don't stall out.

              Is there anything else you would like to share with the .NET community regarding your candidacy?

              I love developer communities (especially .Net community) and I hope we can keep the .NET community many of us have come to love while also building it into something even greater!